[Classic] Site Upload



One of the first things you will want to do is to upload your existing site, or project to the server so that it can be public.  This guide will take you through all the steps you will need in order to get this done. Some sites will require the use of a database which will be covered in the guide as well.  It is important to note that you may need additional software that is not provided by myhosting.com, such as an ftp program, or a database connection software.


Connect with FTP server.


First you will need your ftp settings: follow these steps to obtain them from your Control Panel.


First, log in to your Control Panel at http://support.myhosting.com 


Then, if you are looking for your Windows ftp server information, click on the Windows Hosting tab up top. Alternatively, if you need Linux details, click on the Linux sub-site tab.  Note: if you ordered a Linux Primary Hosting site, then your sub site will be Windows, and primary will be Linux; in other words these tabs will be switched.


Your ftp credentials will be provided on the main page: use this information when making a connection with your ftp program.

When you make your connection with the server you will see a www folder.


This is your root folder.  Your site files must all be uploaded into this folder in order for your site to work. If you are on a Linux server, you will be in the docs folder.

Upload your files to the server. Usually you can simply drag the files from your computer listed in the left pane over to the server on the right pane.


Upload your database


You will probably need to upload a database, or set up a connection to one, if you will be running a web application.

First, you will need to access your connection settings so you can configure the application to connect to your database.

Once logged into your Control Panel, click on the Windows Hosting tab up top, and then the Microsoft SQL Database link on the left menu tree. If you are using a Linux MySQL database then click on the Linux sub tab, and then click on the MySQL Administration link on the left side.


















For windows MSSQL, you will be presented with several options while MySQL will present you with your connection settings.  MSSQL is shown below.


Choose View connection Information for the settings you should use with your application





Once you have uploaded your files and configured your database connection (if required), your site should be live.  If you use a web design application that is capable of publishing to a server, please ensure you include your root folders with your connection. For Windows server it will be www, and for Linux server is will be the docs folder.


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