Joomla Installation Instructions
- Choose a folder to install in if you wish to have the Joomla install within a folder or leave blank to install under the root directory.
Note: If installing Joomla under the main directory be sure to remove the index.html page before installing as this will prevent the creation of the index.php page that Joomla needs to create to work properly.
- Choose the Language you want to use and press the "Next" button.
- When all the checks show "Yes" press the "Next" button.
- On the License agreement page press the "Next" button.
- The settings should be filled in for you. Press the "Next" button to continue. If you need to enter your MySQL database details you can find the connection information listed in your control panel. If you need help finding your MySQL details please contact our customer support team.
- For the FTP Configuration section leave the Basic Settings set to "No" and press the "Next" button.
- Enter your email dddress and a password. Leave the "Install Default Sample Data" set as it is and press the "Next" button.
- You will then get an error message about no sample data installed. When you see this error just press the "OK" button to continue with the setup.
- Press the "Finish Installation" button.
Adding FTP after Setup Completes
- Login into your Joomla administration page (
- Under the Site Menu select “Global Configuration”
- Then select the Server “tab”:
- Enter you info in the FTP section:
- Then click save in the upper right corner of the admin page.
- This will allow you to upload your components using the admin page directly.
- Remember, if you need to enable FTP and have a Linux based hosting account please specify your FTP root as /docs