If you have uploaded your site, but are unable to view it, a possible reason that this is taking place is that your homepage is labeled incorrectly.
You should only have one webpage, your homepage. If you have two web pages, one using one of the filenames shown below, only one will be displayed as your homepage.
You will also have to make sure that your homepage is saved in the root directory, usually shown in FTP clients as "/".
If you are using Microsoft® FrontPage® this means that the homepage file should be located directly under the http://www.domain_name.com folder.
If you are still seeing our "Temporary Index.html file" make sure that the index.html file we place on your website when it is first created has been removed. If you continue to see that page, your browser may be displaying a cached version of the website. You can force the browser to load the latest version of your website by holding down the Control or "CTRL" key and clicking on the "Refresh" icon.
NOTE: The homepage of your site needs to have one of the following file names:
- index.htm
- index.html
- default.htm
- default.html
- index.asp
- default.asp
- index.shtml