[Classic] Publishing with FrontPage

How to Publish with Microsoft® FrontPage 2000®

The walk-through below covers the steps necessary to publish a FrontPage Web on your system to your myhosting.com website. It assumes that the software has been installed correctly on your system.

  1. Open Microsoft FrontPage 2000.
  2. Click on File.
  3. Click Open Web.
  4. Select your local Web.
  5. Click Open in the Open Web window.
  6. Click the Publish button in the in the upper left hand corner.
  7. The Publish Web window will open.
  8. Type http://www.domain_name.com, into the combo box of the Publish FrontPage Web window.
  9. You may also choose the different publishing options depending on your needs.
  10. Click Publish.
  11. Type in your username and password, when the Name and Password window appears.
  12. FrontPage should begin publishing your site to myhosting.com. If you wish to publish to a subdirectory on your myhosting.com Web site, for example http://www.domain_name/subdir/, simply type the entire URL to which you wish to publish. This will create a Child Web.

NOTE: The following information is also required:

  • domain_name.com = Use your own domain name.
  • 168.144.xxx.xxx = Use your own IP number (If your domain name is not pointing to our name servers yet)
  • username = Use your own username.
  • password = Use your own password.
  • These features require that Front Page Server Extensions be installed in your server.


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