[CentOS] Migrate E-mail using imapcopy

What is imapcopy?

IMAPCopy is a small command line tool to copy messages for multiple users from one imap server to another. It was designed for migration of Linux imap mail to exchange servers.

Installation CentOS

  • Since their is no repository package for imapcopy on CentOS you will need to install by downloading the application from the site

wget http://home.arcor.de/armin.diehl/imapcopy/imapcopy.tar.gz

  • Extract the tar file

tar -xvf imapcopy.tar.gz

  • Enter the imapcopy directory and copy the original configuration file

cd imapcopy

cp ImapCopy.cfg ImapCopy.cfg.bak

  • Next we need to modify the cfg file to correct source and destination.

rm ImapCopy.cfg && touch imapcopy

vi imapcopy

  • paste the following configuration and modify it to suit your needs.

SourceServer mail.domainname.net

SourcePort 143

DestServer ex.myhosting.com

DestPort 143




skipfolder INBOX.Trash

skipfolder INBOX.Sent

skipfolder "INBOX.Sent Objects"


#       SourceUser                  SourcePassword   DestinationUser DestinationPassword

Copy    "colin@domainname.net"       "password"         "Tester@domainname.com"          "2dngog.0?bogcnb"


Run the Import

  • Since the application is not installed as a service as it is in debian we will need to go to the imapcopy folder and run the following command to execute the application


  • If successful the output of the application will be as follows


IMAPCopy 1.04 - 2009/07/18 [compiled with FreePascal]

written 2001-2009 by Armin Diehl <ad@ardiehl.de>

Running on Linux


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or

modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License

as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2

of the License, or (at your option) any later version.


This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,

but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of


GNU General Public License for more details.


You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License

along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software

Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston,

MA 02110-1301, USA.


Login on sourceserver as colin@domainname.net OK

Login on destinationserver as Tester@domainname.com OK

Getting folderlist on sourceserver OK, found 1 folder

Getting List of messages in "INBOX" OK, 1 Messages found

Processing Folder INBOX

1 Messages copied, 0 Errors


1 User processed, 1 Messages copied, 0 Error(s)

0 Folder(s) created, 0 Folder create errors, 0 Folder not copied


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