How to create additional FTP accounts for your VPS in cPanel (RV Skin Blue)
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How to create additional FTP accounts in cPanel.
This demo assumes you've already logged in to cPanel.
Let's go ahead and add another FTP account.
1) Click FTP accounts.
This is where you manage your FTP accounts.
2)Scroll down.
As you can see here, there are several FTP accounts already set up. Most were created when your hosting account was set up.
But we're going to create a new FTP account.
3) Scroll up.
4) Enter a Login name.
5) Click Generate Password.
6) Click Use Password.
Make a note of the password and click Close.
If you leave /demo in the directory box, then the user of this FTP account will only have access to the /demo directory, and all folders under it.
To give the user access to the entire website, delete the demo.
You can put a quota limit on this FTP account if you wish.
7) Click create.
That's it! We've successfully added a new FTP account.
8) Click Go Back.
The new FTP account we just created is shown in the list under Account Management.
To create additional FTP accounts, you would click Create.
9) Scroll up.
This is the end of the tutorial. You can return any time to add more FTP accounts, modify their quotas, change their privileges, or delete them entirely.