[RV Skin Blue] How to Create a POP Email Account (RV Skin Blue)

How to create a POP email account in cPanel for VPS (RV Skin Blue)

Click here for a video tutorial 

How to create a POP email account in cPanel.

This demo assumes you've already logged in to cPanel.

Now let's learn how to create a new POP email account.

1) Click Add/Remove Email accounts. 


10) That's it! You've created a new POP email account. Scroll down. 

From here we can check webmail or utilize other functions.

You can create as many POP email accounts as your hosting plan allows. Scroll up.

This is the end of the tutorial. Don't forget to set up your new POP email account in your favorite email program (i.e. Outlook, Outlook Express, Eudora, etc.)


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