Transfer an existing domain name to
Please contact to request the registrar transfer. The cost of a registrar transfer is equivalent to a one-year registration fee for the domain extension you wish to transfer.
NOTE: We can only accept transfers for domains that have not yet expired, or will not expire within the next 14 days. Additionally, there must be a valid domain admin email account available.
Transfer my UK Domain to
If you have previously registered your .uk domain name elsewhere, we can still host it for you. If you would like to keep your domain registration with the previous company, all that you need to do is change the name servers on your domain to the following:
Primary Name Server:
Secondary Name Server:
You will need to contact the company whom you purchased the domain with and ask them to submit the changes for you.
If you prefer to transfer the registration to us instead, you will need to contact the company who you registered the domain name with and ask them to change the IPS TAG to the following:
Once they have completed this for you, please contact us at There is an additional manual step which we must complete for you before the domain is fully transferred.