[Classic] POP3 Exchange Accounts

POP3 Exchange Accounts


Non-Exchange Accounts for your Hosted Exchange Email account

You can add POP3 users to your existing Hosted Exchange Email account. It is required that you have at least one regular Exchange user before you can add POP3 users to your account. The cost of a single POP3 user is $1.95/month.


Exchange POP3 Features

The following base features are included with each POP3 user under a Hosted Exchange Email account:

  • 1 GB of storage
  • POP3 Access via any Email Client (for downloading email)
  • SMTP Access via any Email Client (for sending email)
  • Alternate Port SMTP
  • Secure POP3 and SMTP

Additional storage space is available at a rate of $14.95/month per 1 GB.


Downgrade Business Professional users to POP3

You can downgrade any existing Professional user to a POP3 user at any time.

The only restriction is that you must have at least one Professional user in order to maintain your Hosted Exchange Email account. Therefore, if you have only one Professional user remaining, you cannot downgrade that user to POP3. Similarly, if you have only one Professional user, you cannot cancel that user until you upgrade a POP3 user to Professional first.


Upgrade POP3 users to the Professional plan

If you have POP3 users under your existing account, you can upgrade at any time to the Professional plan.

Please note that this does not apply to users of the Email Hosting. The "Email Hosting" plan is a stand-alone plan and cannot be upgraded to Exchange services.


 Web-mail interface for POP3 accounts

There is no dedicated web mail interface for POP3 accounts. However, you can use the mail2web.com Advanced Login or Secure Advanced Login to view your email from the web. When logging in, please enter your information as follows:


For the highest level of security, we recommend the Secure Advanced Login with SSL option enabled.

Please Note: The Intellilogin does not currently work with Business Exchange POP3 accounts, you must use the Advanced Login or Advanced Secure Login.


POP3 users only

POP3 users are an add-on feature of Hosted Exchange Email, and cannot be created as stand-alone accounts. If you are only interested in POP3 email, we suggest the Email Hosting Plan instead.


BlackBerry Enterprise Service availability

At this time BES service is not available for POP3 accounts. If you require BES service, we recommend upgrading your account to the Professional plan.

As an alternative, your BlackBerry device or BlackBerry service provider may provide you with an alternate way to collect email from a POP3 account onto your device.


Difference between Exchange POP3 and Email Hosting

There are 4 primary differences between these two similar service offerings:

  1. Price: The Email Hosting plan is $4.45/month for 50 users, whereas the POP3 add-on for Exchange is $1.95/month per user. 
  2. Storage: Each Exchange POP3 user includes 1 GB of storage space, whereas the Email Hosting plan includes 1 GB of storage for all 5 accounts.
  3. Licensing Fees: Exchange-based POP3 users carry a monthly Microsoft Licensing fee which does not exist for Email Hosting accounts. Email Hosting accounts are hosted on our Linux-based infrastructure.
  4. Exchange Integration: To have an Exchange POP3 account, you are also required to have at least 1 regular Exchange user. Therefore, it is the perfect solution if you want to mix Exchange accounts with POP3 accounts. This allows you to satisfy various needs for different users in your organization. At any point, should a users needs change, you can upgrade a POP3 account a regular Exchange account, or a regular Exchange account to POP3. Users of the Email Hosting plan cannot add Exchange users to their existing domain and are restricted only to POP3/IMAP4 users.

Because of these differences, the two plans are offered at different price levels. Where Email Hosting is offered at $4.45/month for 5 POP3 accounts, Exchange POP3 users are offered at a slightly higher rate of $1.95/month per user, or $9.75/month for 5 POP3 users.

Please Note: Outlook Web Access (OWA) is not included with Exchange POP3 users.


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