SMTP Support
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol) services are provided with all hosting plans*. This service allows you to send email using your own SMTP server located at using port 25.
NOTE: This service is available for all accounts, excluding domain parking and domain forwarding service plans.
Alternate SMTP Port
If your ISP has blocked port 25 and you need to use an alternative port we suggest that you setup your email program to use the SSL settings instead. You can find more setup instructions at SSL Email Settings
Problems Sending using SMTP
In order to try and combat SPAM, many ISPs have chosen to block the usage of 3rd party SMTP Services, such as the SMTP service offered by Most SMTP Services, or Outgoing Mail services use "port 25" to transmit your email message. In such cases, your Internet Service Provider may only allow access via port 25 using their own service. To confirm if your ISP is blocking port 25, please contact them directly for more information.
Here is a partial list of some ISPs which are known to block port 25:
- AT&T
- BellSouth
- CableOne
- Charter
- Comcast ATTBI
- Cox
- Earthlink
- Flashne
- MediaOne
- Mindspring
- NetZero
- Rogers
- People PC
- Sprynet
- Sympatico
- Verio
- Verizon
To test if your ISP is blocking port 25, Windows users can conduct the following quick test:
- From the Start menu, choose Run...
- In the text field, type telnet mail.[your-domain] 25 (Please replace [your-domain] with your actual domain name).
If port 25 is not blocked, you should expect to see a response starting with "220...". If your ISP blocks port 25 you will not see this message and the connection to the mail server will not be successful.
If you are getting an error message stating the following:
The message could not be sent because one of the recipients was rejected by the server.
The rejected e-mail address was ''.
Subject 'test', Account: 'any account', Server:'',
Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 not local host '', not a gateway', Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error: 550, Error Number: 0x800CCC79
Please try using the Alternate SMTP settings listed above.