Windows Users, it is recommended you access remote desktop in full screen to enable sending shortcut keys into Windows Server 2012. You can adjust this setting as well, but this is the easiest. Once you've done that, here are some shortcut keys that we highly recommend learning:
- Windows Key – Opens Start Menu
- Windows Key + q – opens applications window
- Windows Key + w – opens Search under settings
- Windows Key + e – opens ‘My Computer”
- Windows Key + R – opens Run
- Windows Key + X – opens A Short list of admin utilities
- Windows Key + n – Opens windows Explorer
- Windows Key + f – opens search for files
- Windows Key + p – opens protect to another screen (does not work on a VPS)
- Windows Key + I – opens windows settings, (where power off etc is located.)
- Windows Key + u – opens ease of access center
- Windows Key + T – scrolls through the task bar pinned applications
- Windows Key + numbers above the letters opens the application on the task bar that is pinned eg, 1 opens server manager