[OnCloud] Wordpress cache

  1. First log into your wordpress admin page by using the following url format http://mydomain.com/wp-admin 
  2. Once you are logged in click on the Plugins button on the far left tree of your dashboard.
  • Image:wpcache1.jpeg
  1. Click the add new button on the page, to add a new plugin.
  2. you can type cache in the search window and it will bring up all the various plugins available for you wordpress installation.
  3. We recommend W3 Total Cache for usage with our system
  4. Click the install now link to start the process.
  5. You will need to fill out your FTP server information. You can get that from your control panel
  • Image:wpcache2.jpeg
  1. Once installed you will need to make the following changes in order for it to work properly.
  2. First FTP to your server and set your wp-content folder to (777)
  3. You will also need to put the following line of code into your wp-config.php file.

define('WP_CACHE', true);

a11 this code must be placed before the line

require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-settings.php');

  • Image:wpcache3.jpeg

12 Once you completed the above task you can activate the plugin

13 Now return to your plugin section to configure the caching system

14 Click settings next below the W3 Total Cache section

15 You can click Hide this message on the "Browser Caching"

16 You will also see a message to change your wp-content folder back to (755) Please do so with your ftp application.

17 As a safe choice please see the general section, there put the check in the Toggle all caching types on or off at once. and choose Enable.

18 The default should be sufficient to optimize your sites usage of disk, and database.


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