[OnCloud] Upload a file(s)

The myhosting.com File Manager gives you the ability to upload files to your website.

  1. Log into the support control panel https://manage.myhosting.com.
  2. Click onto Website tab
  3. Click domain name you have setup
  4. Click File Manager under Website Tools.
  5. Click Open File Manager
  6. First navigate to the folder that you wish to upload the files to. To go to a folder, click on the folder name, to go up one level, click on the Up icon in the menu of the File Manager. Once you have gone to the folder you want to upload to, click on the Upload files button. You will be presented with a pop-up that allows you to select up to 3 files to upload.
  7. Begin at the top of the list. You can click on the Choose File button beside the first line to select your file. Once you click Choose File, a pop up window will appear that is the same as the Open option in Windows Explorer. Navigate through your computer and select the file you wish to upload and click Open. The location of the file and the filename should appear in the field on the left of the browse button.
  8. Please repeat the above steps if you wish to upload more than one file. Use one line for each file you wish to upload. If you want to upload more than 3 files, upload 3 files first, and then repeat the process for the other files.
  9. When you have selected all the files you wish to upload click on the OK button. This can take from a few seconds to several minutes. Please be patient and allow this to complete. Do NOT close this window.
  10. Once the file uploading has been completed, you will be returned to the myhosting.com File Manager window and it will display to you all the newly uploaded files along with existing files.


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