[onCloud] Outlook for Mac 2011

Outlook for Mac 2011


Automated Configuration of Outlook for Mac 2011

It is possible to configure Outlook for Mac 2011 to connect to your Mobile Email + Outlook account.

  1. Open Outlook 2011. From the Menu, click on Tools and click on Accounts... 
  2. When the accounts window opens click on Exchange Account 
  3. When prompted, enter the following details:
  • E-mail address: **your email address** 
  • Select User Name and Password for Authentication Method 
  • Username: **your email address** 
  • Password: '**your password** 
  • Leave Configure automatically checked.
  • Click on Add Account 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/0/0d/Oncloud_ou2011.png/300px-Oncloud_ou2011.png
  1. You will then be asked to allow Autodiscover. Place a check in the checkbox to Always use my response for this server and click on Allow 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/4/48/Oncloud_ou2011_autodiscover.png/300px-Oncloud_ou2011_autodiscover.png
  1. You are complete if successful.


If you can not authenticate using your email address as the username

If your email address fails as the username, you can try using your Windows domain\user name as the username instead. You can find it within your customer control panel by completing the following:

  1. Login at https://manage.myhosting.com 
  2. Click on Exchange Email 
  3. Click on Mailboxes 
  4. Click on the mailbox you wish to manage
  5. In the General section you will see your Windows domain\user name 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/0/0e/Windows_domainuser_name.jpg/300px-Windows_domainuser_name.jpg
  • This will be your username when setting up Outlook 2011


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