[onCloud] Email Setup

Email Setup


General Email Settings

You can setup any POP3 email account by using the following general information. For more information on how to configure specific email clients please visit Configuring Email Clients


Incoming Mail Server (POP3):




Secure Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):







Create A New Email Account

Once you have received notice that your account is setup with myhosting.com, you can go ahead and create email address from within your customer control panel. You can add an email address by:

  1. Login to your customer control panel at https://manage.myhosting.com 
  2. Click on the Exchange Email tab after selecting the subscription from the drop down menu
  3. Click on Add New Mailbox 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/b/bf/Addnewmail08162012.JPG/200px-Addnewmail08162012.JPG
  1. Enter in the required information to create your email account and click on Next 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/6/6b/Addnewdetail08162012.JPG/200px-Addnewdetail08162012.JPG
  1. Confirm your information and click on Finish 
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/8/82/Newmailfinal08162012.JPG/200px-Newmailfinal08162012.JPG


Creating An Email Alias

An Alias is a reference on the server where email can be sent that will redirect email to the account or email address you specify. Email aliases are handled in the form of distribution lists. To create a distribution list on your mail server, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Login to your customer control panel at https://manage.myhosting.com 
  2. Click on the Exchange Email tab after selecting subscription from the drop down menu
  3. Click on the Distribution Lists tab
  4. Click on Add New Distribution List 
  5. Enter the Alias, Display name, Email address and select Address book and Security Options 
  6. Click on Submit 
  7. Once the distribution list is created you can add users to the list

NOTE: If you have the mail forwarded and then reply to the e-mail from the forwarded account, it will reflect in the reply to address from the forwarded account.


Setting up your Email Client

You can connect to your myhosting email accounts through the OWA (Outlook Web Access) or by configuring a desktop email program.


OWA (Outlook Web Access)

You can login to your OWA as soon as your account is ready by visiting https://ex.myhosting.com/owa/ in your browser. All you need to do is enter your email address and password to login. If this is your first login you'll need to select your Language and Time Zone.

  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/b/b5/UsingOWA_1.jpg/200px-UsingOWA_1.jpg
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/8/88/UsingOWA_2.jpg/200px-UsingOWA_2.jpg
  • http://myhosting.com/kb/images/thumb/2/2a/UsingOWA_3.jpg/200px-UsingOWA_3.jpg

Customized Outlook Web Access (OWA) Login Page

If you wish to use your own customizable OWA login page at https://ex.your-domain.com, you will need to enable it through your control panel under Hosting > Exchange > Mail & Sync Settings > OWA Customized Login Page


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