[onCloud] Updating Domain Registration Information

Why is keeping my contact e-mail up to date important?

It is important to keep your domains' admin e-mail address current as it is at your domains' admin email address that your registrar will contact you with regarding your domain. It is important that your registrar be able to reach you regarding your domain; not keeping your e-mail address current with your registrar may cause delays in changes you might wish to make to your domain name record.

How to check your current information on the domain

You can check your WHOIS information you can use external tools such as http://who.is once you have entered your domain and the look up has completed. under the 'Raw Registrar Data' look for the field.

Look for the following fields 
Registrant Email:

If you see your current address then your email is up to date, IF you see Yourdomain.com@contactprivacy.com you would need to disable your WHOIS privacy on your domain to see what the email address is this can be done from your control panel under

Account > Registered Domains > Select your Domain > Upgrade Resource limits.


Change the limit to 'Off' then select Next


At this point you will need to wait for this change to propagate, wait about an hour and re-run your WHOIS look up. If your WHOIS email is accurate no information needs to be updated at this point, if however it is not follow the steps below to update the information.

Updating WHOIS information

Log into your account at https://manage.myhosting.com Select 'Account' > 'Admins'


Select an existing Admin user or create a new one using 'Add New Admin'


Select 'Edit' and enter your validated information then select 'Save'


Now that you have updated or created a new user with valid information it is time to Sync the information with your domain from your control panel go to 'Account' > ' Registered Domains' > 'Yourdomain.com' > 'Manage Contacts'


Use the the 'Magnifying Glass' To Select your New user, or existing user When you have added the contact to the contact information fields you want to update Select 'Update Contacts'


Once you have completed this your domain will update your WHOIS information, this may take a few hours to complete.

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