[onCloud] User Management

Adding Users to SharePoint

To add new users for your SharePoint site, you can follow these steps.

1. Log into your control panel at https://manage.myhosting.com 

2. Click on Home 

3. Click on Add New User under the Sharepoint Category


4. In the fields provided choose a username, password and display name, and click Next to complete the process. (Please note, the user you create is not an email account. The username appears in the format of an email account but technically does not have a mailbox unless you add an Exchange Mailbox for the user).

5. Select the Role of the User and enter the users Notification e-mail and click on Next 

6. Confirm the users information and click on Finish 


Removing Users from SharePoint

To remove users from your SharePoint site, you can follow these steps.

1. Log into your control panel at https://manage.myhosting.com 

2. Click on Home 

3. Click on Users under the Sharepoint Category

4. Put a check in the check box beside the user you wish to remove and click on Delete 


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